Friday, January 06, 2006


Yeah I know its late but I just found it already writen so here it is...

So this year for Thanksgiving the family went off in several different directions.

Sparkles and Froggy went on a trip to see their Fathers side of the family (read Planes, Trains and Automobiles). DH and Miss Bee went to see his family for dinner. I stayed home, went over to my foster Brothers house for one dinner and then over to see my Mom.

I have to say that in the now five Thanksgivings since my Grandmother passed away and the extended family has scattered to the four corners of the universe I really don’t enjoy the holiday as much as I used to…

Thanksgiving to me used to mean a time to get with my very large family (we have numbered in the 40’s for dinner) for a lot of laughter and bonding. I miss it a lot. I have 12 cousins and most of them have S/O’s and/or children… so even logistically speaking getting everyone to eat in the same place was getting very hard, but very fun. Most of our family jokes all came form one Thanksgiving or another and a lot of our family traditions have come from those meals as well.

To say that we need to start our own traditions and our own holidays is not the same I can make all the same recipes and feed my family with my Mom and Sister but really its not the same I miss seeing my Aunts and Uncles, cousins and the orphans that always ended up at the table. The laughter and the jokes, the food and the leftovers, watching for the first time one of the ‘kids’ are allowed to drink wine with dinner. Seeing all the new babies and how much the kids have grown, reconnecting with my family.
The general chaos of the day…

We had great times I have wonderful memories I don’t want them to be just that memories. I want them to be living breathing moments. Maybe next year I will see if we can all get together again… I would have to rent a hall. :)

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