Friday, April 29, 2005

Star Wars

The trials of youth
SO… my poor Froggy, my 13 year old boy, was about to blow a casket this morning on the way to school.. We listen to Alice 97.3, the Sarah and No Name show in the morning and this morning they were having a contest… STAR WARS TRIVIA… the person that could answer the most questions would win a portable DVD player and a chance to win tickets at the opening… FROGGY GRABS my cell phone frantically trying to dial the number, it’s busy… Sunni takes the cell phone and re dials.. Busy, she re dials again… busy, she re dials again… still busy… they come back on air and say they have the two contestants that will be trying to answer the questions and win the prizes… Froggy says re dial again if they can't answer maybe the will let me… still busy.

The first question: what does TIE stand for… FROGGY YELLS from the back seat (which is only 12 inches from my ears) Twin Ion Engines… both people on the radio get that right.

The second question: Spell the name of the world that the Wookie comes from? Froggy rattles off the spelling KASHYYYK! The people on the radio both get it wrong! Froggy is correct… he moans and he groans and calls both of them stupid!

The Third question: Who was the only NON-Jedi to use a lightsaber in the original three movies? Again Froggy shouts HAN SOLO on the planet of Hoth! Only one of the guys on the radio got that right… he (Froggy) calls the other guy stupid!

The Fourth question: What parts did Kiera Knightley and Sofia Coppola play in Episode I? Well poor Froggy didn't know who they were at all… and neither did the guys on the radio! (By the way Kiera Knightley played one of Queen Amidala's handmaidens (the one that switches places with her in the battle scene at the end where they think they have QA and they really don't) I am thinking that Sofia Coppola also plays one of the handmaidens also haven't looked that one up. AND just for the record I just found out about Kiera Knightley it was in a bio I was reading.)

So had Froggy been able to get through he would have won!! Poor kid. I did think he was going to die though. And if you weren't keeping score Froggy correctly answered three of the four questions and the guy on the radio that won only answered two correctly.
Just thought I would share.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Banks and Money

Since Miss Bee was born we have had issues staying employed. Both DH, and myself I just thank the powers that be that we weren't out of work at the same time. I would say that about two years ago was the last time that we were able to just spend money... it was at Disneyland the hotel we had reservations at didn't think that we really meant it when we said we needed the room to be wheelchair accessible... so they had no room for us, But we "fixed" the problem by staying at the Disneyland Hotel and it was Okay, not great, but Okay.
That was two years ago a month after that trip I lost my job and it took me eight months to find a Temp job... and then the day that I started my temp job, DH lost his job...
He found a new one a few months later and ever since we have been playing catch up! Well I am happy to say that we did finally catch up (insert happy dance here)
Well then the bank pulled a whammy on us!
They, the wonderful bank, put a hold on my payroll check! Now they have done it in the past and they just randomly do it I have called and moaned and complained, yelled and screamed EVEN stamped my foot (not that it did any good while I was on the phone.) SO since they put a hold on my payroll check we bounced checks... And are now $200 in the hole!!!! Sucks. I could cry! So when I called again this morning to see if they would reverse the bounced check fees they said we should always allow time for the deposit to clear until we try to draw off of the check and that they could and will put holds on checks that they think will bounce to them. It’s their policy... I think I am looking for a new bank... Okay probably not but I do want to sit down and cry for a long time... I guess we weren't as ahead as I thought. So I guess we will really be up to date Next month!
Why is it that Banks and Money hold so much power over you? Its like they have you by the balls and you can't make a move without permission. I am learning how to control the money not let the money control me... That’s not as easy as it sounds.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Prom and all the trappings

Okay so Sunshine is going to prom... She is only a sophmore but one of her friends is a senior so she has been asked to go with her friend. The girls should have a good time! So we had two weeks to find a dress... THANK GOD for Auties! We went over to raid one of my best friends closets... and it was the first dress that Sunshine but on, she went and looked at it in the mirror and she said "hey Mom we are done!" boy that was eaiser than I thought it would be! And of course we were able to find in the same closet shoes, a jacket and purse. That just leaves jewlery, hair, makeup and nails to take care of, buy/make appts. I told her that it was a good thing that we didn't have to "buy" much for this prom since we know we have two more yet to endure! I can't believe that she is old enough to be going to prom or high school for that matter it really just seems like a few days ago she was dancing to 'Little Mermaid's ~ Under the Sea' song. Oh thats right is was just the other day she was dancing with Ms. Bee... Okay what I mean is when she was Ms. Bee's age. It is sometimes too much to take in, Sunni was competing this weekend for color guard with school and I get misty eyed just watching knowing that she only has two seasons left and she is no longer in High school. We have even gone and had a meeting with her school seeing where she stands for graudation. What she has completeded and what she still needs to do in order to 'stay on target'. (Every time the teacher said that all I could hear was the line from Star Wars "Stay on Target" hehee it really was hard not to laugh.) So for the next two weeks we will be consumed with getting ready for Prom and Ms. Bee's third birthday... I realized a short time ago that Sunni will graduate in June and Ms. Bee will start Kindergarden in Sept of the same year! Wow!

Friday, April 08, 2005

So it starts

Many of my friends have been doing this so I thought I would give it a try not that I think people will really want to hear/read what I am thinking but who knows...

I have always mantained that I am not the writer in the group, I sing, I dance and sew... I don't act or write. I leave that up to the real talent and when surrounded by the group of people I am surrounded by let me tell you just saying that I sing and dance is minor in comparison. My group of extended family consists of probally some of the most talented people around, they are all performers, some are writers, dancers, singers, musicians, and most can improv with the best of them. And we all dress funny!! We volunteer to perform at Renissance and Dickens fairs here in the Bay Area. But I digress. So writing this will be a labor... but I think it will be something that I will learn to like or even love to do and maybe I will let the kids read this so that they will know what is going on... maybe not. I have always wanted to start writing about what they are doing or what they have said maybe this will be easier. I type much better than I write and it looks neater too!

I have three kids: they have several nicknames from differnt sources. The Eldest is a girl, Sunni, I used to call her Sunshine when she was little, it works for here. She will be driving soon, much to my delight and dismay all at the same time. The next child a boy, Froggy, only because he had a passion for frogs as a small child and still enjoys them now. He has reached the age where you just say well he is a teenager and a boy.... "what are you going to to?". Then last but not least is Miss Bee. She will three next month... so if you are counting I have a 15 year old, a 13 year old and an almost 3 year old... yes I am crazy!